Imagine 1 MILLION People...Speaking FLUENTLY To The Universe...And Creating The Life They Want!

It's your turn to join the movement thats sweeping North America by storm, as people are learning to finally take charge of their manifestation, creating happiness in homes and uniting people with their dreams -WITHOUT DOING WEIRD SHIT.


"Why Me???"


Ever Felt Like YOUR LIFE IS KARMA For Someone Else's Sins From Another Life?

Yep! That was me for many years. Bludgeoned, left, right and centre... and the only thing that kept me from "ending it all" was the thought...

"What if I wake up somewhere else, even MORE MISERABLE???"

Stuck between that and a crazy reality, I vowed to stick it through and find the answer. That decision is what became the seed for this movement I started.

But don't join us yet. Get my book first. Understand what this is about. Then make a decision.

UNDECIDED? Hit the red button to grab my FREE REPORT!

What People Are Saying...


I have read the book 3 times now, something I have never done with any books before and it is nothing short of amazing. My life is changing for the better ever since I read it.


temmy a.

Already seeing changes...

Waju's use of real-world examples, case studies, and practical exercises makes the book feel both actionable. I've already started to notice positive changes in my life.

Each chapter is short, straight to the point and yet powerful, making the book feel like a series of impactful punches rather than a drawn-out, theoretical BS.

Be prepared to confront some uncomfortable truths about yourself and your thoughts, but also be prepared to experience profound shifts in your perspective and your life.


temmy a.

Incredible Clarity

The most profound impact of that exercise, however, was in my finances. I realized I wasn’t sticking to any business long enough because I was afraid of failing.

A few weeks after reading the book, I started another business, and it has been going great so far. Even when I face challenges, I plunge head-on, face them without fear, and move forward. Last December, I made more money than I’ve ever made in my life!


jude c

I ordered copies for my kids both!

I think Waju was directly inspired by God to write this book for humanity.

I will have to order the hard copy for my two kids. I want them to have it every where they go and read it like they read their Bible.


joy ash

Total Epiphany!

“Completely redefined how I think about manifestation. The idea that we're already manifesting at full power—just often in the wrong direction—was an epiphany for me.

If you're ready to take full responsibility for your life and start creating consciously, this is the book for you.”


austin o.

Incredible Clarity

“Helped me get out of almost 3 million in debt... Thank you!“


neil. n